Neukölln Simulator
This game was made during my fourth semester for my "game a-week" class, which required me to make one game every week, this weeks theme was "Berlin"
"Neukölln Simulator" is a short narrative based game in which you explore Neukölln at night, encountering all types of different people saying and doing things you'd only see at Neukölln. Once you have talked to everyone and found a mini-easter-egg, you can head out through the exit gate.
-I did all of the game, but for the conversation and part of the player movement I used a template that my old professor left behind for us to use. The template included a camera movement and a script so you could talk to objects with certain tags when you got close to them.
-What took me a bit of time on the game was the level design and the character animations since I was using websites I had never used before.
-I also worked on the level and on the cover art/ main menu. I used ai for the main menu and it took me a while to promt one that looked half decent.
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